Text 175

Party programme!

Who is God Almighty? As far as I can see, God is the one who made everything that lives; such as man who was created perfect by God Almighty, the animals, nature, the universe and everything above! We humans believe in angels and also in devils, but why can’t we see them? Is it because we humans are punished by God because Adam and Eve ate an apple from that tree? Everything up there can see us, I think to myself, even the Devil. And then I think: the Devil can see God and God can see the Devil and are we humans not more important than the Devil? God doesn’t love the Devil but doesn’t God love his children too, because the Devil can see God but we humans can’t see God Almighty? Why is this? Why is it that we humans cannot see or hear God? Is it because God does not love His children? I don’t think so, God does love His children.

As I said, God does love His children but we humans do not love each other. Unfortunately, we hate each other. We hurt each other and kill each other for money, we treat each other mean, we humiliate each other, and we do evil things to each other. In this situation, can we expect God to appear on the white clouds before His children? I don’t think so! But I am sure that when we humans stop being a threat to each other and become more honest with each other, God will show Himself to all the people in our paradise on earth. Our only option is to create a paradise on earth for all of us, humans and animals alike. To achieve this, all the people of our world must work together and let God Almighty into our hearts. All hate-mongers must immediately stop their propaganda, which only divides people.

Dear brothers and sisters of the world, we humans do not need prisons or police or lawyers or judges, for we can be all of them ourself. We humans know full well what is, and is not allowed; we know the rules. We all have to treat each other with love, that is what God Almighty wants to see in our paradise on earth!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
