Text 134

Party program!

Women must be the rulers of the new world that is dawning. I know and firmly believe that no one can change my mind on this subject. Why women? Let’s refresh our memories and think back… In the back of our mind we know why women should be the new rulers of the world. Because we don’t want to see any new wars, we don’t want to see any more children, women and elderly people become the victims of horrible bombings, we don’t want to see or hear of homeless people, people living in poverty anywhere in the world! Enough is enough!

But I have to admit that, for thousands of years, men have done a very good job, despite all the wars and the distrust among peoples. And this has to change, a change which is only possible when lead by women. The fact that we have killed each other from the first human being up until today had to happen because God wanted it that way. It was a procedure that really had to happen, this killing of each other, so we shouldn’t hold it against each other and we shouldn’t accuse one another. Fighting over a piece of land has made us grow up, a maturity that will bring us closer together in the future, so we must try to forgive and forget.

Together, men have built the world to what it is today. The first humans lived among nature’s flora and fauna and we men have turned the world as it was then into today’s world. But you know as well as I that this world is flawed: there is much to be done to raise countries in the east, north and south up to the standard of living we have in the west. The companies we have in this continent, must transfer a month’s minimum wages to places where there is poverty, and combat unemployment, so the people in those regions can achieve a higher standard of living, just like in the rich countries. And Dutch women are going to give direction to this change in the world, in cooperation with women all over the world.  Here, the month’s minimum wages that will be paid to every human being in the world is relevant again. We men lack the energy and intelligence of women.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
