Party program!

Text 58

Together we are going to demolish the slums and shacks everywhere in the world, and instead we will build habitable houses for the people in these countries; social housing projects like we have in European countries. Because these people feel the same as we do. Just like the other projects, we will finish this job together; all countries in the world will have to start showing an interest and pulling their weight. Some say I’m talking about around 20 million slums and shacks worldwide that have to be demolished. And everything that is being torn down has to be removed to get a clean building site. For this, we will need al large number of transport vehicles, which will have to be provided by other countries in the world.

But we cannot bring in everything from other countries; in every country where there are slums, factories will have to open to produce building materials for the construction of the new housing projects, to be sold to the consumers.

If I make a rough estimate, for the houses to be finished and delivered on time, we will need maybe about half a million to a million construction workers for this job. It is possible that, in some countries, the projects won’t be able to run on full speed, but will have to be run on a smaller scale and at a slower pace. This project really needs a large-scale approach, which demands a proper organization worldwide. So, to achieve this objective a large network is indispensable.

There will also be a lot of personnel to be housed worldwide. It is of vital importance that the workers get a good night’s rest so they will be fit to work the next day. There are of course several options for providing these builders with sleeping accommodation. I’m not going to go into this in any detail now, but they could spend the night in containers or we could build staff rooms with all amenities on the building site. Building these houses – including all organizational preparations and everything that comes with it – should be achieved within a period of 7 years. Of course, it will take many people sitting around tables discussing how to come to the best results, but the budget to build the houses and pay the construction workers is available; the money is there!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
