Party programme

Text 63

The average retirement age of 65 in our world is too high. We work until our health can no longer
take it. We must lower the retirement age to 55, which will also give the unemployed a better chance
of employment. But not only that: we must also give our older generation the opportunity to rest.
And we must give them the chance to spend more time with their wives and be with their children
and grandchildren. This generation has worked hard all its life, and we all know that some
occupations are so gruelling that they cost you your health. That is precisely why the retirement age
should be lowered to 55. Of course, there are professions that do not require physically demanding
work. These people can continue to work as long as they want. There is enough money to pay the
pensions for our older generation.

If we want all the misery in the world to be over, we have to make sure that there are no poor
people in the world. Not everyone can become rich, but we can improve our financial situation. Once
again, dear Dutch people, if there are no more poor people in our world, our economy will grow
twice as fast. Then there will be no more unemployed in the world and every person will have a job.
And, don’t forget the extra income of a whole month's minimum wage in addition to every ones’
salary or benefit. And when you stop working at 55, you will have an income from your pension. And
if you also want to have a third income, in addition to your pension and minimum wage, you could
continue working after you turn 55 – for as long as you want. That way, you can pass on your work
experience to the next generation. I am talking about a paradise on earth, but to make that come
true, there should be no more poor people in the world. Me and my team are going to make sure
that there will be no more unemployed people in this world.

If we can make sure that there are no more poor people in our world, there will also be no more
unemployed people in the world. There is enough money in the world!
The goal of the pension fund is to pay out a good pension to all elderly people in the whole world,
older than 55, so that they can go on a holiday abroad at least twice a year.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
