Text 172

Party program!

Don’t you agree that politics has caused enough problems in the world? They have made a mess of our beautiful earth and have landed us, the citizens, in a difficult situation. The guilty ones are the political leaders and their gangs all over the world; their political groups are guilty too. Just look around you: all the misery we citizens must endure we owe to the political system we have in the world. We must replace this corrupt system immediately with another, fairer system that does benefit the citizens! A system that is easy to govern, and that has a political group in parliament with different plans, ideas and comments. But for the group and the group leader, the goal must be the same. A commissioner of the Dutch royal family should be at its head. We should divide the world into provinces and then appoint a commissioner of the Dutch royal family to each province as the head of that province.

Politicians worldwide send 20-year-old boys, who are still in the prime of their lives, into battlefields to kill each other. And these political leaders still sleep warm in their beds. Also, the hatred that we as world citizens have towards each other is stirred up by world politics. They create hatred among populations. They know that nothing can happen to them. There are many examples that clearly show the need for a new political system to take the place of the current one. Above the system we now have in the world, there will be a new system and an organization that will take over the governance of the world. We are going to divide the world into a few hundred provinces and each one will have its own political group and a chairman of the province and this group chairman will be accountable to the commissioner from the Dutch royal family. There will be a few hundred of these commissioners in the world who will in turn be accountable to a director from the royal family.

The new system will be a triangle in which the citizens come first, then our businesspeople and lastly, the royal family. Our royal family will pay the world’s citizens, the citizens will spend their money on products, and this money will flow into the pockets of the businessmen who in turn will pay income and sales taxes to the Dutch royal family. This is how the triangle will keep turning!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
