Party program

Text 158

Finally, after long years of waiting, it’s almost time: I’m going to meet the people! Altogether, I’ve formulated 24 projects aimed at all the people in the world. We are going to bring these projects to the attention of 17 million Dutch people. We will be the pilot and the crew for all the people in the world and the rest of the world will travel with us. Just like you, I have made mistakes in my life, but I have learned from my mistakes and I will not make the same mistakes again – or different ones, for that matter – and no one will ever make a mistake if they put their trust in me. The objectives I have are meant for all people, rich and poor.

We have 10 years to complete all my goals. This means we must be disciplined and certainly not make mistakes, so we must monitor one another as much as possible while we are working. I have a feeling that I will be the first black prime minister of the Netherlands and also in Europe. No one has ever talked about or thought of the projects I have in mind.  I must be honest: for most people, these objectives are projects that no ordinary person can think of, let alone carry out. I also notice this in the messages I get through social media.

What I have on this website, about 52,000 words, is just a small piece of the puzzle. You will have to agree when I say that I could have written al much longer story about these 24 goals. I am not nervous or tense about it. No, I am as relaxed as if I was going to start a day´s work in an office somewhere. Therefore, I can say that I will complete all the goals within 10 years, together with my team. Not only with my projects but with all projects it is like this: to get things done, you make a plan – together with your team – and collect everything you need, you make another plan and so on. But you make sure you have control over everything until you present everything to the general public. Just look at China: everything there goes according to plan. I am talking about a system that is five times bigger than the Chinese system and we, the Dutch, are going to implement this system.

Every person in the world knows that there is more than enough money in the world and that this money belongs to the world population. This money has been taken from our pockets all these years, and now we want our money back. That’s all we ask: no more and no less. We are going to distribute this money fairly among the world population. This financial source is not just here now, it will always be at our disposal!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
