Free public transportation for all the people in the world.

Party program !

Text 150

Some people’s first reaction to the objectives I posted online was: “Bye.” This is understandable though, because this is the first time you hear about these ideas. Another of my objectives is to provide the world population with free public transport. The first text I wrote about this subject got the same reaction: “That is impossible!” I want to go through a few steps with you, to see if we can provide free public transport to the world’s population. I will take the Netherlands as an example, because I live in Amsterdam.

I would estimate that, in the Netherlands, every day two million citizens use public transport to travel around. How much does that yield for the treasury? Let’s say the government will lose ten million euros in income if we make public transport free. If you multiply this by a hundred, you would end up with the losses all governments in the world would suffer. But I would like to ask you to think of how many euros our government collects from us in income tax and other taxes, and multiply that by one hundred. It is just a quick calculation, but it shows how we, the world population, are ripped off time after time by our own gentlemen in the expensive suits.

All world leaders do this to be able to buy heavy bombs. The amount of money that goes to defense in the world is staggering. If that money would go to the poor people, we would be halfway to fulfilling our goals. These leaders don’t even give a euro to their own people. If I am standing in line at the cash register with a hundred euros in my pocket and some man or woman in front of me is a few euros short, I advance it without thinking, but these world leaders are no friends of the people.

I have often heard that I have good intentions with these 25 projects. This is the last text I have written. I think it has been enough: I have written 171 texts. I also know that by posting these texts, I am playing with my life, but I trust that our man up there will keep the rats of this world ignorant of my plans.

Surely, the budget to pay for public transportation will come from us, the poor people of the world. Yes, from us, as it has always been. But  it will feel like we are only spending few cents from our wallets. Public transportation will become free everywhere in the world.The budget to pay for it is there.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
