We will give every person in the world free healthcare.

Party program!

Text 154

Can we, the Dutch, give every person in the world free healthcare? We know that healthcare is an expensive affair, drugs and hospital care cost a lot of money. Whatever the costs, we must provide healthcare for free! We all know that there are several hundred million people in the world waiting for this free healthcare. I do not know the exact budget we will need, but maybe we can try to answer the question how much we will need for medication, medical doctors, specialists, and healthcare providers. We will then know we will need a lot of extra pharmaceutical companies who can sell wholesale and we will need a lot more factories to produce drugs. I know that in some types of healthcare, an assistant can take on a lot of the doctor’s work.

What I mean is that in many countries in the world there are no doctors who have studied medicine. Until we are in the business, we will not know whether we can send doctors from countries that have enough doctors to countries where they need doctors. Just a quick calculation: I estimate that, in the Netherlands, there are about 10 million people who are insured for healthcare. Have any of you ever calculated how many euros we all pay every month? That comes to about 2 billion euros we pay to the health insurers each month. Half of that amount is paid by the Dutch government; I do not know if our health insurers pocket the other half as profit. If we assume this is not the case, then billionaires worldwide could pay the remaining sum from their accounts. After all, all those billions, all the money they made, they took from us: it came out of poor people’s pockets.

To be able to do this, we will have to introduce our guilder as the only currency in the world – and carry out my other objectives. The guilder will be introduced into the world in the third year. Dear Dutchmen, not just one of us, but all of us are being screwed by devils in human bodies and by these same devils we are being put up against each other as opponents, as haters. You know just as well as I do, that all the problems we have come from the top, from the gentlemen in the expensive suits.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
