We will set up a worldwide network to implement our objectives.

Party program!

Text 151

The Network will look like this: in every city of the world there will be offices in middle class neighborhoods and in disadvantaged neighborhoods. We can imagine these offices as district offices like we have in the Netherlands, but the offices abroad will be a little larger. In each building, there will be three departments: one department that collects data from the residents of that region, so we can then call them in to pay them the one month’s minimum wage. Two, a department where the people come who have reached the retirement age – which will be 55 years of age – this department could possibly be called the retirement department,.

The third and last department in this building will be the one from which each month we will pay every person of that region who has reached the age of 18 their supplement whole month’s minimum wage in guilders for every person in the world. There will be offices in each city worldwide, a total of about 20,000 buildings. In the Netherlands, we will assemble a team for each objective, a total of 24 teams. To ensure that each team will carry out its work properly, without getting under each other’s feet, they will be rigorously trained. Each objective team in the Netherlands will manage all the directors abroad. The directors of the teams in the Netherlands must report to a small group of people which, in turn, will keep my team in The Hague informed about everything that is going on and the progress we are making. Me and my team will then make sure that everything runs smoothly and give our instructions to the offices abroad.

I estimate that there will be about 15 million employees working for the network and the objective teams, in about 20,000 departments around the world. I know many of you doubt that I will get the cooperation of the countries abroad. Here is my answer: if we propose paying a whole month’s minimum wage, demolishing all the shacks and slums in the world and building new social housing in their place, lowering the retirement age to 55, making public transport free for all the world’s population, and distributing free food to every person in the world, I’m sure they will cooperate. I would like to know from you if you can think of any reason why the world population would not stand behind us. The world leaders will have to cooperate or they will all have to step aside immediately!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
