We will distribute free food to every person in the world.

Party program!

Text 145

We will distribute food free of charge to every person in the world. There are a lot of people in the world who will want to collect this food – and they will not have to pay a cent for it! Some of you may wonder how we can organize this for all the people in the world. It will be really easy! After the acceptance of the Guilder as a currency in the world, here in The Hague we will set up a network that will ensure that the food reaches all the people who need it. Then we will begin to distribute food free of charge to every person in the world.

Just like my other projects, this objective is a huge task that we Dutch will get done with ease, it’s a cinch. Now there are leaders in powerful countries in the world, who do not want to lose their power at home and abroad. But before I get to The Hague, I will simply brush all those leaders aside, because they are no match for us Dutch! It would take up too much space here to explain in detail how I will achieve this, but please keep following me, because I will be on the news very soon. We Dutch are not like some world leaders, who are trying to conquer the world by killing, threatening and scaring innocent people. On the contrary, we are going to conquer the world with love, something every person in the world will want to see.

We will not place our men everywhere in the world the way these leaders do, but every person in the world will make his contribution to our royal family. For The Hague, this is the system that is coming. A final word about the system of free food distribution: we will take over the existing system and reorganize it, which will take about three years. I think we will not be replacing any of the staff with volunteers; only the managers will have to leave their posts. Because we will turn the food distribution into a non-profit business, the leaders of the world will have to leave.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
