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Party program!

I am trying to make a road map,  but I still haven’t succeeded, which must be my fault. I wrote somewhere on a page that all my Objectives are interrelated, so if one Objective fails, there’s a good chance the others will too. When I get to The Hague, me and my team will work out plans for all the Objectives as soon as possible. Then, the Network will be set up worldwide. At the same time the Network is set up, we will examine how we can introduce the Guilder as the world’s payment currency.

To be able to pay the middle classes, the poor and the hungry in some countries of the world a whole month’s minimum wage, the Guilder must become the world’s currency. If that does not happen, the three groups that need the money can wave that whole month’s minimum wage that will be paid in addition to any benefits goodbye. The world leaders will not have a choice but to cooperate with us to bring the Guilder into the world market. Every person who is paid the minimum wage must be able to collect his money in Guilder in any country of the world.

This way, countries around the world will have no choice but to adopt the Guilder as their currency or turn their backs on their own people. This will be a unnegotiable demand from The Hague to the rest of the world, before they can pay out the additional benefit. I can say that every country in the world that has citizens living on or below the minimum wage standard will have to cooperate in accepting our Guilder as payment currency for their country.

When the Guilder is accepted by every country in the world, most of the misery in the world will resolve itself and, with the arrival of the Dutch Guilder, citizens of China, America or the rest of the world will finally feel appreciated and treated as equals. The Guilder will not just be a world currency, but a recipe for healing that doctors in the Netherlands will prescribe for all leaders in the world!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
