Text 148

Party program!

Bringing the beautiful, blue tropical sea water to the Dutch canals, with the aim of creating a
covered aquarium, teeming with colorful fish that will also be brought to the Netherlands.

Our country of the Netherlands is especially suited for this, because its cities are full of
narrow canals, running through the most beautiful streets. I see this dream as already
achieved, because I can also see myself as the new president, or the occupant of ‘the little
tower’ – the Prime Minister’s office – in The Hague. I know that no one can see into the
future, but I have been thinking about these ideas and objectives for the better part of forty
years! Surely I am allowed to dream about the future a little bit, when I have been going over
all these plans hundreds of times in my head.

I think we must take into account our own wishes and those of the tourists. We should also
plan for the traffic, as there will also be cars driving by. And lastly, we should avoid causing
trouble for the local residents. For some residents, the covered aquarium will create
opportunities to earn an income: they could rent out rooms, open up small restaurants, etc.
The aquarium cannot be built underground; street planning will not allow it.

We could suspend a glass bowl with sea water and the fish at a height of three to four meters
above the canal. This would afford visitors an excellent view. We could build a platform
along the street, so visitors could move safely along it without inconveniencing the traffic.
This is just my theory, and I know that others, who may have more expertise in these matters,
will come forward with better ideas. With this move we will have all hotels in the Netherlands
fully booked. Also, it will create a need for additional rooms, which can be rented out by local
residents. And let’s not forget the increase in bars and cafés in the Netherlands.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
