Text 171

Party program!

Dear people of the Netherlands, the world leaders have run into a steel wall of God. We are at the end of the road! We have had a good time, but now the patience of God Almighty with the world leaders has run out. They have everything they want and we poor have to turn over every cent before we spend it. If the world leaders do not sit down to solve the problems of poverty and hunger, they will all be punished with a painful death. Every day, thousands of babies, children, the elderly and the young and women are dying of hunger.

This is the end of the world: either we create Paradise on earth together or the curse of God Almighty will strike us. You know as well as I do that God makes no distinction between rich and poor, guilty and innocent, young and old. We have seen this in the past and we have also experienced it in the recent past with natural disasters and other events that come from God! God has no compassion for nature, animals and certainly not for man: he is ruthless. I know that my site is read by many political leaders in the world – also in the Netherlands. There are 6 to 7 billion poor people in our beautiful world who are waiting for a solution to their poverty.

Money must be put on the table very soon. To solve the world’s problems, world leaders must very quickly, without wasting time, send 9,000 billion euros to The Hague every month. Not a cent less than this amount and we don’t want to have this money once, or for a few years, no, we the Dutch want to be handed this money every month, until the world comes to an end, to solve poverty. Very soon I will be the boss of the Dutch government and in the first month of my becoming prime minister I want to have this money in the Dutch bank.

If they don’t do that, then as a representative of God Almighty I will hand everything over to God! And He will not have pity on us! This is serious business! It is all or nothing. This will either be the end of the world or the beginning of a new world!

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
