Text 140

Party program!

How do we start teaching every human being in the world the Dutch language? While we are setting up our network, we will start training Dutch-speaking teachers everywhere in the world. We shouldn’t think of teaching the world as one enormous task, but just take it one country at a time and look for suitable and motivated candidates there. City by city, we can make an inventory of how many children of various ages there are in primary and secondary schools. This way, we will know what kind of teachers we will need for what type of school. To motivate starting teachers, we will start paying them by the month.

They will have to learn Dutch five days a week; I think they will have to attend classes for six hours a day, because it is important they will be able to speak Dutch just as fluently as teachers in the Netherlands. Teachers will have to follow Dutch courses for three years in the countries where they live. They should all speak the English language as well as their mother tongue. In the fourth year, they will come to the Netherlands in groups for a couple of days, to do their exams and see if they meet the demands for the Dutch language. Then we will examine every country in the world to make an inventory of which groups of children there are and how many teachers we will need for every school and for which levels.

Then we can start to focus on training teachers for those specific levels. For a period of five years, these boys and girls will have to learn the subjects which are taught in these schools; then they will take another exam to see whether they meet these requirements. While we are searching for teachers in the world, we will assemble a team of forty to fifty men and women in the Netherlands, which will develop teaching materials for the schools of the world. In the tenth year, when all preparatory work is done, everywhere in the world we can begin to teach the pupils in Dutch. This is more or less the route I would follow, based on what I can think of now. Once I have assembled a team in The Hague, no doubt better ideas will surface.

The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have nothing to eat have – in some countries of the world.

Party of DjKaan was founded for all people in Our world…

“Cengiz Guner”

Director of God!!
